Thursday 30 April 2009

Puzzlement and wonder?

The idea is that my magic become a extension of me. I like the idea that i become a person that dose magic as I go with things around me. Not the type of persons like oh yeah i am a magician but I don't have anything on me or yes this contain which no one seen the likes of before. I would like to responded in this case naturally. This can be explained in a case were someone asked me about magic and as we spoke I played with a mustard pot and a napkin. I wrapped the mustard in the napkin the bang I hit it and the pot went throw the table. The person I was speaking to freaked and they was amazed that I just did it there and then.

I also like to be aware of what's going on around me. I was in a café once and a mum and daughter were having breakfast. They had a teddy bear and a toy bunny with them which were also having breakfast with them. As I left i went up to the mum and daughter and asked about there friends then performed a trick with sponge bunnies. As the sponge bunnies jumped from my hands to the young girls people working in the café goatherd to watch. At the end as the girl opened her hand and there were the 2 bunnies with a pile of babies. The people watching gasped there was a small round of applause I grabbed my stuff and said farewell and things carried on as normal. I later saw the mum and daughter the mum thanked me very much. This is a example of just adding something to the environment around me then just leaving it to carry on as it would done but just sprinkled with a little puzzlement and wonder.

All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players: Shakespeare.
This is what he said and I do not disagree. I also like to do little routines at bus stops and just general places i hang out in. I usually look for the kids with tired parents the parents like there kid to be distracted for a while. Also on top of a double decker bus stuck in traffic I did a few tricks for some guys on a tour bus next to us.

So this is what I am working on and what I done so far. Its a fine line from this and just being annoying lets hope I keep on the right side. So this is the start of Al Zebediah and
Puzzlement and wonder and quite were its going i dont know but there's a few things planed I let you know as I go.